I recently watched Vsauces new video about who owns what in space. There was a part in the video that struck not only me but Alexi and made us think, brought forth in the video was a mention about "if you killed an alien and cooked it up, would that be considered murder or hunting?" Alexi and I pondered on this, Alexi searched up the term murder and it only associates human killing it doesn't take into the account of any other species similar to human if found.
I thought that if any being that is able to communicate intelligently with us that they should create a new law in the event that other life is found and is at the same level as us technologically or if not more advanced that killing such a intelligent being should be considered murder. As the same rules apply to how we are and what we are that makes us unique from other life forms not capable of persevering things the way we do.
But then what also contradicted me was the fact that several animals on this planet have remarkable intelligence but yet they are protected in another way, by laws of hunting certain animals, so it's safe to assume that if any intelligent beings ever visited us or have, then killing them would result in some sort of punishment.
Which to me I would consider it to be murder. Any act of aggression towards a being that can communicate to the point to make that person aggressive should come under the same laws that we go by day to day. And that we remain peaceful, yet contradicted to my thought I also had a thought, that we kill each other on a daily basis like war for example, but those people do not go to jail after killing some one.
They get the title of hero and defender because they are lead to believe that their cause is just, and that justifies the mean of killing another human being in protection of an entire country.
It's kind of mind boggling but I'll let you think about the rest.
Vsauce video: