Saturday, July 4, 2015

I recently watched Vsauces new video about who owns what in space. There was a part in the video that struck not only me but Alexi and made us think, brought forth in the video was a mention about "if you killed an alien and cooked it up, would that be considered murder or hunting?" Alexi and I pondered on this, Alexi searched up the term murder and it only associates human killing it doesn't take into the account of any other species similar to human if found.

I thought that if any being that is able to communicate intelligently with us that they should create a new law in the event that other life is found and is at the same level as us technologically or if not more advanced that killing such a intelligent being should be considered murder. As the same rules apply to how we are and what we are that makes us unique from other life forms not capable of persevering things the way we do.

But then what also contradicted me was the fact that several animals on this planet have remarkable intelligence but yet they are protected in another way, by laws of hunting certain animals, so it's safe to assume that if any intelligent beings ever visited us or have, then killing them would result in some sort of punishment.

Which to me I would consider it to be murder. Any act of aggression towards a being that can communicate to the point to make that person aggressive should come under the same laws that we go by day to day. And that we remain peaceful, yet contradicted to my thought I also had a thought, that we kill each other on a daily basis like war for example, but those people do not go to jail after killing some one.

They get the title of hero and defender because they are lead to believe that their cause is just, and that justifies the mean of killing another human being in protection of an entire country. 

It's kind of mind boggling but I'll let you think about the rest. 
Vsauce video: 

Launched January 19th 2006

Since 2006 the NASA'S New Horizons probe has been travelling to the outer edges of our solar system! it has taken it 9 years, give or take to reach the last celestial body in our solar system Pluto!

It is an amazing achievement that such a probe has withstood all that our solar system has thrown at it. As it gets closer and closer to Pluto, more surface detail will be captured by its inbuilt cameras. There is an archive of photo's that it has taken and updates regularly here at:

I don't know about you but I am overly excited about this! I feel a sense of achievement for humanity, Pluto is a planet that many in previous life times would relish being alive today to see this celestial body in all it's glory, and I am thankful that I will be able to admire it's beauty in this life time.

The New Horizon space probe as it floats further and further away, signals being sent and received from the probe will be delayed, so far it takes 4 hours to send and receive a signal from the probe, so you can imagine if the probe was 2 lengths of our solar system away that would double. So it gives you a kind of perspective on things and how minuscule we really seem.

Since the signal to input or receive data from the New Horizons probe is 4 hours give or take, that means 4 hours before the probe reaches it's closest approach to Pluto. The technicians at NASA will most likely have to make precise coordinated commands so that when the probe receives the input it will then 4 hours a head of time position it's self for several photo's of Pluto. 

So if you think of it like, you're playing a game with a joystick and lets say your joystick is delayed with 10 second intervals as the system receives the input. So the object on the game reacts to movements and directions you've made but 10 seconds later.

Pluto has been so lonely out there, and we as a species even denied the fact that it was a planet at one point but more of a kuiper belt object, but it's fame and glory should be revealed soon. I wait in great anticipation to see this planet! I feel like a kid in a candy store.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Click above for Interactive Diagram!
Asteroid (1999 JD6) the size of a mountain!
makes it's closest approach to earth on July 25, 2015 
the asteroid is travelling at an immense speed of

You can stay updated on the next near earth objects by checking out: 

Many more Asteroid and Meteor near misses are happening more frequently, check them out and try tracking them for yourself!

Many variables come into capturing the Asteroid within a telescope or a thermal  night vision scope. Like if it is visible from your hemisphere and or if it's closest approach happens to be day time where you are. But many of these things can be checked usually a couple days before the passing of the Asteroid/Meteors. Just keep your eyes on any updates.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

With World U.F.O day just around the corner! I've decided to work on some alien art on the 2nd July as well as stargaze, clouds forbid of course.

Get active! here are a list of somethings you can do on WORLD U.F.O Day
  • Stargaze
  • Start a group/community
  • Design Alien Oriented art 
  • Record the skies 
  • Document your encounters
  • anything alieneyy you can think of, if that's a word xD
  • watch alien movies/Documentaries 
Most Important!, have fun engage and let the subject of aliens be a freedom and not a discrimination. You're among friends :)